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I can alerday tell that's gonna be super helpful.

Ron Shewchuk

Good for you, landy. It's so true that employee communciations is where the humanity is in big organizations. Sometimes you have to dig to get at it, but it's there, it's worth caring about, and it can be a source of great fulfillment when it gets done right.


My career is reverse from your story Ron, I was start as PR consultant and now stuck very happy as employee relations & communications:) Yes, it's more genuine than pr life. It's more colorful since i also need to understand about human resources practices, and above of all, need to understand what my fellow employee need as a human being...

david Murray

He said, printing out Mark's comment and tucking it into the "Sunshine File."

Ron Shewchuk

Good on ya, Mark. It does take some stamina to get through the early years, though. And, even today, I am sometimes frustrated by corporate bureaucracy. The important thing is to not take things personally and stick to you principles. And savour every piece of positive feedback you get. I don't know if you do this, but I keep a "Sunshine File" in which I put every nice thing anyone ever said about me, even if it's just little things like a one-line e-mail saying I did a good job on a story. Then, when I'm really down and want to just scream, "Forget it, what's the use," I open up the file and enjoy a bit of concentrated praise. It works wonders.


Thank your Ron for the insightful post. As one who has been around for a bit, but is fairly new to employee communications, I am just starting to see the "fruits of my labor." I do believe that we can make a meaningful difference if we have “patience” as you said, and we allow our roles to evolve with the organization. I have felt like throwing in the towel a number of times. But I am glad I stuck with it.

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