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We've arrvied at the end of the line and I have what I need!

locksmith n5

It's great that you are getting ideas from this article as well as from our discussion made at this time.


Thank you so much for sharing. I know a locksmith in Wichita who'll go wild over this recipe.

Beef Tongue Recipe

I prefer beef over fish. One of my favorites is beef tongue.
The tongue has to be cooked for a few hours to get it nice and tender.

Ron Shewchuk

Gosh, Leo, I'm at a bit of a loss as far as online food shopping goes. But lots of modern cookbooks have appendices that list online sources of great gourmet vittles. You might try http://www.lepicerie.com/catalog/index.html?gclid=CPTEq-nhqJACFQP_iAod50T5pg -- it looks promising. Or also look at http://www.apgfinefoods.com/view/pub.php?page=accueil&env=home. Hope this helps!


Maybe you can help me out with something…? I want to order all of my food online from now on because of various reasons, but I don’t know where to go for quality food. I have tried 2 companies so far, Fresh Dining, and and Celebrity Foods, but I wanna get others I can try out. Do you know of any? The main thing I’ve ordered so far is steak. I guess you can say, I’m a steak junkie. LOL!!! From what I have found out (from what I have ordered so far) I think I am able to regulate the quality of beef I buy. I hate going to a store and getting that crappy slab of beef that I have to cut down until there is like nothing left. Hahaha!!!! (its so true though) Anyhow, sorry that I made this comment so long. If you can help me out or point me in a direction where I might find more quality foods online, I would greatly appreciate it. Have a good day or night! (depending on when you read this) LOL!!!!

Ron Shewchuk

Hi, Mark. You can find cedar cooking planks in the seafood section of most big supermarkets, at barbecue specialty stores, and online at Westcoast Lifestyles: http://www.westcoastlifestyles.com/.

mark d.


Thanks for the recipes. Where does one usually find a cedar plank for cooking?

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