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Ron Shewchuk

Thanks, John. So sad you're so far away. The Groucho club sounds like fun.

john smythe

Thanks everyone for the feedback. Timely as the publisher has asked me to do a second edition. Take all your points about editing!

But if anyone has views about the sort of topics which could be included, do let me know.

Plus we are organizing 2-3 dinners at London's Groucho club to chew the fat to inform edition two and to enjoy the chat. if you'd like to be on the invite list, sens me an e mail address

Ron Shewchuk

Thanks, David! I love the blogosphere. You never know what kind of a connection is going to happen next.

And don't get me wrong -- I think the book is a seminal work, and it's worth reading the whole thing. It's just too bad it didn't have a decent edit before it went to press. I do think Mr. Smythe is a visionary in this young and growing field.

David Zinger

I just read your review today and was impressed. Then this evening the Global engagement officer from Mars Corporation was wanting to find out what others thought of this book. You time may be limited but I do think you could offer her something at the network if you cared to join.
We are at www.employeeengagement.ning.com.

David Zinger


I appreciate the style and substance of your review. You make me want to avoid the book but also read the book. I think I will look at the "nuggets" and read the last chapter of the book.


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