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Dear Kerry, Amanda, Jason and Judyit was great to meet you and Barb at the Launch of the Brisbane Chapter a couple weeks ago. Thanks for the warm wcmeole.see you at the International Conference.Paulo


Congratulations to Paulo and thanks for being at our cephtar launch and joining us for dinner. Thank you for sharing your insights into managing the customer relationship. After hearing about your experience with the accreditation process, we are feeling a lot more confident about pursuing this in 2009. Thanks to Barb for joining for our launch and strategy planning weekend up in the rolling hills in Maleny. We met as IABC members and now part as BFFs. Kerry, Amanda, Jason and Judy

David Murray

You know I'd be there with bells on. I'm hoping to develop a useful talk on my Heron book series, and such a conference would give me a good excuse.

Ron Shewchuk

I can't argue with your view, David. They are definite, and serious problems. The panel was good. After the formal remarks there was a lively discussion, but we only scraped the surface and quickly ran out of time. The biggest issues raised by attendees were:

* the difficulty they have communicating effectively with managers and executives about internal issues and needs

* the gulf between inexperienced communicators entering the field and senior communicators

* the constant struggle to escape the day-to-day crush of urgent tactical responsibilities

But there was no time for a full discussion. I offered to cook lunch if the chapter wants to host an all-day conference that would allow participants to get their teeth into the issues. Maybe you should be our guest keynote speaker....

David Murray

You express these as worries, Ron, I edit them into definite problems, especially these three:

"many of us are trapped in our roles as technical/tactical specialists ... we’ve forgotten how to offer strategic advice, or how to effectively say no to stupid instructions from our leaders ... we are so paralyzed by our habits, stifled by the bureaucracies in which we work, and fearful about the security of our own jobs, that we are doing nothing where we should be doing something."

How did the panel pan out?

Ron Shewchuk

I agree, Amy. Every communicator should at least be playing with these tools right now. No better way than to learn by doing.


I see the collision of social media and the influx of Gen Y into the workforce as an opportunity for internal communicators to show what engagement really looks like. It's going to be up to us to guide the organization through the use of these new tools, so it's important for us to be on top of our game and one step ahead of the trends.

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