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Big help, big help. And supearltive news of course.

Ron Shewchuk

Re: [For Your Approval] Kate Henderson submitted a comment to "Talking on the radio about the Engagement Gap "

Thanks for joining the conversation, Kate!

Ron Shewchuk

Thanks for your comment, Kate. You're so right. Whether or not social media access is allowed is a good indicator of whether a company cares about the quality of life in the workplace. We all wish we could work at one of these forward-looking places, and I think over the next few years we're going to be able to measure this urge and how it influences business success.

Kate Henderson

I find it interesting that companies who treat their employees right are the ones who are giving employees access to social media at work (and letting them help build the company's reputation). Everybody's different. And everybody has a learning curve. Wish I worked at one of those forward-looking places...:)

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